Sitekick is an AI landing page builder. It allows you to create beautiful landing pages without the need for coding, design or copywriting skills.
Sitekick 是一个 AI 登陆页面构建器。它使您可以创建漂亮的登录页面,而无需编码,设计或文案技能。
Make dynamic vision AI that works. Robovision offers a vision AI platform that covers the full AI life cycle. Streamline the entire process of developing, implementing and adapting AI in today’s ever-changing business environment.
打造有效的动态视觉 AI。Robovision提供了一个涵盖整个AI生命周期的视觉AI平台。简化在当今不断变化的商业环境中开发、实施和调整 AI 的整个过程。
Design and Deploy Large Language Model Apps. Prompt engineering, re-imagined🔥 Built on years of experience working with large language models. With one goal, help accelerate their deployment.
设计和部署大型语言模型应用。 快速工程设计,重新构想🔥 基于多年使用大型语言模型的经验。只有一个目标,帮助加速他们的部署。
Create state-of-the-art voice applications with Neon AI's enabling technologies. The Neon AI SDK integrates advanced AI and Natural Language Understanding into a cohesive software engineering platform. Think Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana - with free open source software. They also have an AI OS for Mycroft Mark II listed on their website.
使用 Neon AI 的支持技术创建最先进的语音应用程序。Neon AI SDK 将先进的 AI 和自然语言理解集成到一个有凝聚力的软件工程平台中。想想亚马逊Alexa,Google Home,Apple Siri和Microsoft Cortana - 免费的开源软件。他们还在其网站上列出了Mycroft Mark II的AI操作系统。
Turn your visitors into paying customers. Set up your first experiment right away.
We’re on a mission to transform access to custom software using explainable AI capable of human-level reasoning and dialogue. We envision a future where custom, flexible, and durable software is democratized and accessible to everyone.
我们的使命是使用能够进行人类水平推理和对话的可解释 AI 来改变对定制软件的访问。我们设想了一个未来,定制、灵活和耐用的软件民主化,每个人都可以使用。
TeleportHQ is the collaborative front-end platform with integrated UI development and content modelling tools. A powerful visual builder to create and publish your headless static websites instantly.
Build web apps lightning fast.
以闪电般的速度构建 Web 应用。
Get documented, ethical AI that scales for your business. Monitaur helps you audit, track, and record real-time outcomes of your AI and algorithms for optimal performance and compliance. Our platform is designed to integrate with every team that touches your AI.
获取可针对您的业务进行扩展的有文档记录的合乎道德的 AI。Monitaur 可帮助您审核、跟踪和记录 AI 和算法的实时结果,以实现最佳性能和合规性。我们的平台旨在与接触您的 AI 的每个团队集成。
Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes creating machine learning models fast, easy, and accessible to everyone. It's meant to be used by educators, artists, students, innovators, makers of all kinds – really, anyone who has an idea they want to explore. No prerequisite machine learning knowledge required.
可教机器 是一种基于 Web 的工具,使每个人都可以快速、轻松地创建机器学习模型并可以访问。它旨在供教育工作者、艺术家、学生、创新者、各种制造者使用——真的,任何有想法想要探索的人。无需先决条件的机器学习知识。
Making AI accessible to all by giving users the ability connect AI models together and produce unique AI-powered app. Monetize & share your creations with the world.
通过让用户能够将 AI 模型连接在一起并生成独特的 AI 驱动的应用程序,使所有人都可以访问 AI。货币化并与世界分享您的创作。
Axiom is a browser extension that helps you save time by automating website actions and repetitive tasks on any website or web app.
Axiom 是一个浏览器扩展,可通过在任何网站或 Web 应用程序上自动执行网站操作和重复性任务来帮助您节省时间。
Give your software a sense of sight. With a few images, you can train a working computer vision model in the afternoon.
Automate Manual Data Entry Using AI! Capture data from documents, text, images, and emails instantly. Reduce turnaround times and the manual effort required. OCR (Optical Character Recognition)-based AI platform.
使用 AI 自动手动输入数据!立即从文档、文本、图像和电子邮件中捕获数据。减少周转时间和所需的手动工作。基于 OCR(光学字符识别)的 AI 平台。
Lobe helps you train machine learning models with a free, easy-to-use tool. It Just show it examples of what you want it to learn, and it automatically trains a custom machine-learning model that can be shipped in your app.
Lobe 可帮助您使用易于使用的免费工具训练机器学习模型。它只需向它展示你想要学习的内容的示例,它就会自动训练一个自定义机器学习模型,该模型可以在你的应用中提供。
Liner is a free tool that lets you train your ML models easily. It takes your training data and gives you an easy-to-integrate ML model. No coding or expertise in machine learning required.
Liner 是一个免费工具,可让您轻松训练 ML 模型。它获取您的训练数据,并为您提供易于集成的 ML 模型。无需编码或机器学习专业知识。
The easiest way to build AI from text, image, or audio. In minutes. No code required.
从文本、图像或音频构建 AI 的最简单方法。在几分钟内。无需代码。
Build AI helps you build AI apps in minutes. You will be able to build an app and publish it completely by yourself. You will be able to update it as you see fit, including improving and refining your prompts to make your app the best it can be
构建 AI 可帮助您在几分钟内构建 AI 应用。您将能够构建一个应用程序并完全自己发布它。您将能够根据需要更新它,包括改进和优化您的提示,使您的应用程序达到最佳状态
Felvin enables non-devs to create, discover and monetize AI apps. Our no-code tool makes it easy for you to create AI apps and put them on an SEO-optimized gallery for discovery.
Felvin 使非开发人员能够创建、发现 AI 应用程序并从中获利。我们的无代码工具使您可以轻松创建AI应用程序,并将它们放在SEO优化的图库中以进行发现。
The intelligent data layer. Ask your data anything and get answers, instantly
Build models and full-stack AI apps, lightning fast. Build models and AI-powered cloud applications using Lightning App templates without DIY infrastructure, cost management, scaling, and other headaches.
以闪电般的速度构建模型和全栈 AI 应用。使用 Lightning 应用程序模板构建模型和 AI 驱动的云应用程序,而无需 DIY 基础架构、成本管理、扩展和其他麻烦。
Build custom apps for your business, as easy as lego. Generate images and copy within Softr with just one click using their AI. Turn your Airtable or Google Sheets into client portals, partner apps or internal tools.
为您的企业构建自定义应用程序,就像乐高一样简单。生成图像并使用他们的 AI 一键在 Softr 中复制。将您的 Airtable 或 Google 表格转换为客户端、合作伙伴应用或内部工具。
Market Leading NLP API. Leverage text data for better business insights with real-time analysis and simple system integration.
市场领先的 NLP API。利用文本数据,通过实时分析和简单的系统集成获得更好的业务洞察。
Mutiny is a no-code AI platform that helps marketers convert their top of funnel demand into revenue, without engineers.
Mutiny 是一个无代码 AI 平台,可帮助营销人员将漏斗顶部需求转化为收入,而无需工程师。
Improve business outcomes with an AI-driven search and discovery solution Guide your prospects from discovery to conversions with an intent-focused, easy-to-integrate website search engine that helps boost engagement and sales
利用 AI 驱动的搜索和发现解决方案改善业务成果 通过以意图为中心、易于集成的网站搜索引擎引导潜在客户从发现到转化,帮助提高参与度和销售额
Empowering you to build AI models without code. Use AI through integrations, API, or public share links. Accessible AI for everyone.
使您能够在没有代码的情况下构建 AI 模型。通过集成、API 或公共共享链接使用 AI。适合所有人的无障碍 AI。
AI Surge is a no-code Decision Intelligence platform that helps businesses to build production-first ModelOps pipelines that bring data science to life without writing a single line of code. It's like Data science without data scientists. We are helping businesses to deliver data 10x faster and cutting down costs by 90%.
AI Surge 是一个无代码决策智能平台,可帮助企业构建生产优先的 ModelOps 管道,无需编写任何代码即可将数据科学带入生活。这就像没有数据科学家的数据科学。我们正在帮助企业将数据传输速度提高 10 倍,并将成本降低 90%。
AI - Powered WordPress Platform. Automated Website Builder, Hosting, and PageSpeed Booster, to say the least.
AI - Powered WordPress Platform。至少可以说,自动化网站构建器,托管和页面速度助推器。
The ultimate tool for creating and monetizing fine-tuned language models using GPT-3. With re:tune, you can easily train and customize your own AI assistant for any industry or use case, and generate an API to integrate it into your own applications.
使用 GPT-3 创建和货币化微调语言模型的终极工具。使用 re:tune,您可以为任何行业或用例轻松训练和定制自己的 AI 助手,并生成 API 以将其集成到您自己的应用程序中。